Healthcare facilities in Spiti are basic, diagnosis is rudimentary and there are no specialist doctors. There is one community healthcare centre in Kaza for the entire valley, however for most health issues or to get a diagnosis, one is referred to hospitals in Shimla (2 days away) or Manali (1 day away), and often as far as Chandigarh or Delhi. This is both hard to afford or access. During the busy summer months and agricultural season, it becomes difficult to even travel to Kaza for medical needs, let alone travel out of the valley. When winter arrives and the roads are snowed in or closed, travelling becomes all the more difficult and health concerns take a back seat.
A number of people in Spiti continue to suffer from curable ailments that are undiagnosed or untreated.

Access to good health care shouldn't depend on where you live

In 2015 we conceptualised a program that would offer access to quality healthcare services and hence a better quality of life for people in Spiti with an aim to –
- Improve Public, Oral & Vision Health in the valley
- Provide access to diagnosis, treatment, and medication with a focus on the specially-abled, the elderly, and those with chronic illnesses, emphasizing on education and preventive care
- Strengthen and support traditional systems of medicine

Make a Difference
Join us in saving lives!
Your contribution will help those in need to access accurate diagnosis, treatment and medicines
INR 2000 will help support a months supply of medicines for a patient
INR 10000 will help support access to diagnosis and treatment.
Volunteer your time and expertise with us in Spiti !
If you’re a doctor or a medical practitioner keen on making a difference, we would love to have you over!
Buy Phunchuk’s postcards and enable him to lead a better quality of life

Make a Difference
Join us in saving smiles!
Your contribution will help in providing dental care and treatment to those in need.
INR 2000 will help 5 patients access quality dental care
Volunteer your time and expertise with us in Spiti !
If you’re a Dentist keen on making a difference, we would love to have you over!

Make a Difference
Join us in providing access to quality alternate & preventive healthcare for communities in Spiti!
INR 2000 will provide 10 patients access to medicine for a month
Volunteer and Learn first-hand!
Volunteer alongside the Amchi to help him collect and make medicines and get a deeper insight about this ancient science.
Get your pulse read on a one-on-one Session with an Amchi!
Proceeds from these programs go directly towards providing free medication for the local community.